Some Notes on our Feline Kidney Algorithm
We attempt to locate and measure the length of each kidney. We also measure the length of the L2 vertebra, and the reported kidney measures are scaled using the L2 length as in the cited reference.
The right kidney is more difficult to see in most images because the cranial pole nestles in the renal fossa of the caudate lobe of the liver. If the algorithm is not confident that it can be located, it simply skips that measurement.
The image should be a VD image (a DV image will result in the kidneys being mis-labelled as to right and left).
The image should show the entire lumbar spine - if the spine is cut off, it may result in an error in locating L2.
Special Feed Recommendation
When one or both kidneys measure small, the report can suggest that a special feed may be appropriate for the cat. If your clinic works with a particular brand, we can configure your account to mention the brand of your choice.