Metron-IQ uses neural networks trained by deep learning techniques to understand veterinary images.
You can attach an image source via DICOM, or feed the system images manually. Metron-IQ bundles all images of a study into a single multi-page PDF report that can be given to your client.
Metron-IQ is particularly powerful in automatically measuring in images and displaying the results with an easy-to-understand histogram. It does some of the grunt-work and frees the veterinarian to ponder the diagnosis and recommendations. A few examples of PDF reports that were automatically produced are shown below:
You can start a free 30-day trial of Metron-IQ by clicking the login link at upper right of your screen!
You can try the VHS algorithm on your own images on our “Try It!” page. You can’t fake this kind of demo….
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
1. Does every image generate a page in the report?
Yes, and some image types generate multiple pages. Depending on the imaged anatomy, some images do not cause any automated analysis nor measurement - these images are just placed on a simple 'image' page.
2. Can the report be edited if need be?
Yes. Metron-IQ's goal is to automatically create a report that is ready to hand to a client. But, in case it falls short of that goal: You can re-order pages, delete pages, add a photo of the pet on the cover page, etc.
3. What if the AI system makes a mistake or indicates something I don't agree with?
You can manually adjust all the results that come from AI. This is another part of the report editing tools.
4. How do I get the report to my client?
You may: share it with your client directly from Metron-IQ, or print the PDF, or download it to your computer as a PDF file.
1. When is my account charged?
Your first 30 days of use is free. Since we bill at the end of each 30-day period, your card will first be charged 60 days after you register Metron-IQ.
2. What am I charged for?
A set of images of the same animal taken on the same date are considered a 'study', and a report is generated for each study. You are charged by the report, and that cost is $10.
3. How many images can be in one report?
A report covers one animal for one day. All images of the same animal on the same date will go into one report. There is no limit to the number of images. The charge is the same whether the report contains 1 image or 100 images. Every image generates one or more report pages.
4. Will I be charged for every report created?
Depending on the anatomy imaged, some images are analyzed or measured by AI. But many anatomical images are (not yet) analyzed nor measured. If it happens that none of the images in a report are analyzed or measured, then that report is free, and does not count in your usage of the system.
5. Do I have to send every study my clinic performs to Metron-IQ?
It's a good way to give a consistent "level of care" to all patients, but you don't absolutely have to -- you can drive Metron-IQ totally manually by selecting images to feed to it.
Multiple Users, and Accounts
1. Can my Clinic have more than user of Metron-IQ?
Yes, you can have as many as you wish. We structure the world as a set of “Organizations” each of which can have one or more “users”. So, typically a multi-doctor clinic would be an “organization” and each doctor within the clinic would be set up as a “user”.