Add MetronMind to your Radiography System to Manage & Measure Images.

MetronMind receives radiographs sent from your DR system or photographs captured with the innovative EponaCam system and automatically labels, rotates, and crops them.  For certain anatomical images, it further automatically performs important measurements. For example, every canine lateral thorax image received will be automatically measured for VHS.

Then use features of MetronMind to easily create a multi-page image-based report and post images and reports to for your clients or colleagues to view.  You can even voice annotate your comments on images you post to the web viewer!

We help you configure your DR system to “DICOM-send” images to MetronMind — as if it were a PACs.   MetronMind receives them, and automatically labels, rotates, crops, calibrates, and measures.   It helps you raise your game and become an elite practitioner.  Why not use the best tools - especially if they are tools that do a lot of the work for you?

Companion Animal Example

In the video below, MetronMind is receiving DICOM images sent to it from another vendor’s DR system. In this example, they are canine lateral thorax radiographs and MetronMind is automatically measuring them for VHS.


Equine Example

In the video below, MetronMind is receiving DICOM images sent to it from another vendor’s DR system.
In this example, they are equine images that MetronMind is processing automatically…


If your DR or CR system was purchased in the past 10 years, it has the ability to DICOM-send images to MetronMind. MetronMind also allows you to

* Create formatted multi-page image-based reports
* Post images and reports to MetronWebViewer where your clients can log in and see them
* Voice annotate images and upload your voiced comments to MetronWebViewer
* Make your own additional measurements and mark-up on the images
* Dump data from images to Excel spreadsheets for research uses
* Create overlays: radiograph and photo - for a great client-education image
* Create morphs -- a video clip showing the change from 'before' to 'after'


More Advanced Features


The requirements for the PC running MetronMind:

^ Screen resolution of 1920 X 1080
^ Intel i7 processor (with at least 4 cores)
^ 16 GB of RAM (32 GB is even better)
^ 1 TB disk (minimum)
^ Touch Screen capability is nice for some users
^ Other 'standard' things: internal Wi-Fi adaptor, USB 3.0 ports, etc.

Hardware Specifications


MetronMind can be purchased from us or from one of our distributors.


  • MetronMind Software

  • Hardware Kit (Blocks, EponaCam, etc)

  • One year of support

  • Up to 2 ViewStation licenses

More Information

Please send e-mail enquiries to

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